Back to earth
Like exchange students coming to the U.S. to stay with suburban families. But instead of students, it's artists of all disciplines who may get to stay at an incredibly serene rural artist resort in Oregon, or a beautifully renovated foundry in downtown Montreal, or a government funded museum-quality exhibition/living space in the art district of Shanghai.
I went into this the way I, being a small time guy, go into every setting: "How in the hell is a schmuck like me going to be able to achieve something in this environment?"
The international seminars were a little daunting and my doubts grew as the first morning rolled on. Then on Saturday afternoon I caught a presentation by a woman who spoke about exchange programs in the U.S. which are available to artists who are just starting out, emerging artists with a small following... all the way up to seasoned pros. I felt much better.
I went home Saturday with a ton of pamphlets and handouts and a healthy sense of "I can do this. I will apply to several places and possibly travel solely for the purpose of creating art."
Then Sunday morning I had a one-on-one session with the art director of an artist's collective located an hour from Paris, France. I showed my website to this dude. Who's name was Jean.
In a nutshell, I have... some skill, no real direction, and his favorite piece was not a painting but the mixed media "Hell On Earth" that I put together in photoshop. I confessed that it was my attempt at ripping off an artist named Sophie Toulousse.

I admit I walked around for a while by myself pretty crestfallen. Then I got home, pulled my head out of my ass and started working on commissions.
Here's the work I did on the Geisha tonight.

And Caity... I started on your painting. It ain't much tonight, but give me time.

I'm not a deep, emotional, tortured artist who paints from the soul about current events or timeless themes. I'm a douche from Quincy who's making cool paintings for people who have never bought original art before. I felt pretty down about that earlier today. Now after working for six hours in my own element I feel pretty shitty about ever letting that dude get to me.