Monday, March 26, 2007


After months of searching craigslist I found what I've been looking for. An olympic bench and a squat rack for the basement. I got them cheap and now with these items added to the other stuff I already had, I pretty much have a small gym down there.

February I didn't touch anything heavy and did all these balancing corrective routines in preparation. Now I am getting back to normal weights and whatnot three times a week. March is almost over and I've tired of my current regimen so I've been looking around at different options for the April workout schedule.

The other day at the shop the guys had 300 playing on the dvd player. Two of the guys live with a kid who always gets movies on DVD a year before they are out. He works for some movie studio or something. Anyways, everyone was all fired up at all the violence and muscle.

Kurt (pictured below) started jokingly yelling "HOOKER YOU WANNA GO GET A FLEX ON?" They have a bowflex in the basement of the shop.

The dvd had a feature showing the grueling workout that all the actors did to prepare for the role as Spartans fighting to the death. They kept mentioning these things called kettlebells. I had never heard of them before.

Kettlebells are basically cannon balls with a handle. The Soviet army has been using them for 100 years. Think strongmen of yore with twirly little moustaches and leopard print singlets. These are people who use kettlebells.

They caught my attention though because it's something new. I did some research and ended up finding this hilarious video.

So unintentionally homoerotic. You gotta watch the whole thing and listen to the guy's quotes.

Reminds me of this...

Tomorrow: I'll have pictures of Paris and another commission I'm working on... Zac Hanson. From. Hanson.

Also: There'll be another show for April. More details to come. Friday night soiree for anyone who wants some free drinks and good art to gawk at.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw 300 yesterday. It's probably one of the best movies I've ever seen.

5:10 PM  

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