Thursday, January 18, 2007

Back in khakis

So today I suited up in my khakis and button down office garb. Begrudgingly. Wow. Is that how that word is spelled? I have to research this... one sec..

Wow. What an ugly word.

Bleh. I've been waking up around 8:30 or 9 this week. Trying to get into a rythm. The rhythm was broken today by the dog who was frantically barking in the living room at 7:00 a.m. I walked out to find her doing her usual blank stare into space. I had her follow me upstairs and ushered her to her dog bed where she slept once again, safe from whatever the hell she was barking at.

She's either retarded or some scene out of a Japanese horror film where the dog goes bat-shit crazy at the ghost of a seven year old girl with a severe head wound standing unnoticed behind the master imploring his pet to calm down happened earlier today in my goddam living room.

I painted for a bit and called the garage again about my still-broken van. Then I packed my lunch and backpack and suited up in the khakis that unbeknownst to me until I got on the train, have a foot long rip up the outside right seam. They look like half belbottoms.

Work is status-quo. Bleh. Time for a green tea. The one thing I missed about this place.


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